Our Story

Our Story

Welcome to Nashville Nectar, where every cup is a testament to passion, perseverance, and purity. Our journey began with a young Tom who wouldn't stop smelling his grandparent's container of Folger's. Fast-forward 25 years and he's now a coffee connoisseur and health advocate with a successful career managing teams in the fields of sanitation, sales, production, and operations, who transformed his personal battles and love for coffee into a mission: to craft the finest, healthiest, and most transparent coffee available.

Meet the Founder: A Message from Thomas McCullough

From a young age, I was captivated by the world of coffee. Back when I wasn't allowed to drink it, I would sneak it from my grandparents, who were all day drinkers back then— even as a child, I loved the rich aroma, the complex flavors, and the warmth it brings. This fascination turned into an obsession when I found specialty coffee, but honestly, it was my defeating personal health challenges that truly shaped my vision. I was born with and unfortunate blessing, a heart valve deformity, heart failure and heart disease, which went unnoticed until age 19. I would soon drop out of college, stop bodybuilding, stop pursuing the NAVY, and go in for emergency surgery June 2012. My aortic valve was replaced with an On-X carbon valve, a large aneurysm was removed, and a stint was put in. Not long after, I would become cognizant of how companies whom I thought had my health and well-being as a top priority, had instead mislead me and harmed my health in order to save and make more money. Determined to find a better, healthier, more honest coffee, I dedicated my life to understanding every facet of coffee production. After being laid off from my management position when YELLOW Freight went bankrupt, and again several months later when WESTERN XPRESS had financial issues, I decided to stop contemplating, take control of my tenured professional career and build Nashville Nectar; a specialty coffee company that prioritizes health, transparency, and unparalleled quality.

Our Commitment to Quality and Purity

At Nashville Nectar, we believe that exceptional coffee starts with the highest quality specialty beans, cultivated in the best environments, and delivered with peak flavor and freshness. Our specialty beans are the top 1% graded beans on the planet, shade-grown at high elevations in some of the world's most luxurious and nutritious coffee havens, some of which I have explained below. This commitment to quality is evident in every sip of Nashville Nectar coffee.

Luxurious Coffee Havens

Organic Bali Blue Moon: Nestled in the volcanic loam on the southern slopes of Mt. Agung in Bali, Indonesia, our Organic Bali Blue Moon beans are a testament to the exceptional flavors that high-elevation, shade-grown coffee can offer. The nutrient-rich volcanic soil imparts a distinctive richness and depth, resulting in a cup that is both smooth and complex.

Natural Tanzanian Peaberry: Our Tanzanian Peaberry beans are a rare and delightful find. Unlike typical coffee beans that split into two halves, peaberries are single, rounded beans, occurring in only about 5% of the coffee crop. This unique formation enhances the flavor profile, offering concentrated sweetness and bright acidity, making each cup an extraordinary experience.

Roasted to Order for Ultimate Freshness

We believe that coffee should be enjoyed at its peak freshness. That’s why all our coffee is roasted to order. This ensures that you receive the freshest beans possible, allowing you to savor the full spectrum of flavors and aromas that our specialty beans have to offer.

Health and Transparency

Nashville Nectar is committed to health and transparency in every step of our process. Our beans are organically grown without the use of harmful pesticides or herbicides, ensuring that every sip you take is free from toxic residues. We prioritize fair trade practices, ensuring that our farmers are paid fairly for their hard work and that their communities are supported and uplifted.

Our Ethos

Our ethos is simple: provide exceptional coffee that nourishes the planet, body and soul. We are committed to:

  • Quality: Only the finest organic, specialty-grade beans make it into our roastery.
  • Purity: No pesticides, no herbicides—just pure, natural coffee.
  • Freshness: Roasted to order, delivered at peak freshness.
  • Ethical Sourcing: Fair trade certified, supporting sustainable practices and fair wages for farmers.

Why Choose Nashville Nectar?

When you choose Nashville Nectar, you're not just choosing a coffee brand; you're joining a community of coffee lovers who value quality, health, and sustainability. You're supporting a Carbon Neutral company committed to making a positive impact on the world and its people, one cup at a time.

  • Exceptional Flavor: Our beans are sourced from the best regions, roasted to perfection on the day it ships to you, and delivered fresh.
  • Health-Conscious: Our commitment to organic and pesticide-free beans ensures you enjoy a healthier coffee experience. The health of you and the planet is our constant top priority.
  • Sustainable Practices: By choosing fair trade, we ensure our farmers are fairly compensated and their communities thrive.
  • Unique Offerings: From the rich, volcanic soils of Bali to the rare peaberries of Tanzania, we offer unique coffee experiences you won't find anywhere else.

Join the Nashville Nectar Family

Thank you for being part of our journey. We invite you to explore our range of specialty coffees and experience the difference that quality, purity, and passion can make. Here’s to many more delicious, healthy, and ethically sourced cups of coffee.

Welcome to Nashville Nectar.

Feel free to contact us or visit our shop to explore our full range of specialty coffees. We’re excited to share our passion with you!